4 Simple Steps to Starting a Nonprofit
Most people think if you do a little paperwork, you can become a nonprofit. True, paperwork is needed, but there is much more to starting a nonprofit successfully. This class will take you through the four key steps needed, and includes links, web addresses, a 23 page workbook and other resources. 17 lessons broken into bite size pieces/123 minutes. Course price is $49.
Building Your Nonprofit Knowledge
If you want to increase your knowledge of what nonprofits really are, and how they fit into society, this class is for you. This is a valuable class for anyone new to the nonprofit sector as well as for anyone wanting a truly well rounded understanding of nonprofits in the world. 27 lessons broken into bite size pieces/61 minutes. Course price is $49.
The best strategic planning during uncertain times is the Situational or Contingency model of strategic planning, and, this is probably a different type of planning than most nonprofits use. Learn about why this temporary change is necessary, and go through the actual planning process. 6 lessons/18 minutes. Course price is $29.
Check back for additional courses coming soon.
Strategic Planning During the Pandemic
(Short Course)